A regional express train (TER) is seen at the Dakar station in Dakar in December 22, 2021. - Senegal is inaugurating on December 27, 2021 a regional express train (TER) in Dakar, an ultra-modern means of transport launched five years ago by President Macky Sall, which cost more than a billion euros and is supposed to put an end to the endemic traffic jams in the West African metropolis. The TER will cover the 36 km between Dakar and the new city of Diamniadio in about 20 minutes, through the suburbs, a stretch on which users lose several hours. The trains will run at a top speed of 160km/hour and will be able to transport 115,000 people a day, from 05:00 to 22:00 GMT and local, according to the promoters. (Photo by SEYLLOU / AFP)
Le train express régional est à l’arrêt ce vendredi, a annoncé la direction à travers un communiqué de presse.
« Nous vous informons de l’arrêt de circulation du TER sur toute la ligne, pour aujourd’hui vendredi 28 juillet, en raison d’actes de malveillance », lit-on sur le texte publié sur les réseaux sociaux.
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